Today in human Geo. we went over the quiz and watched more
of the movie. Today we also had a little shadow! ( I want one too !) so of
course you most likely scared her a little, but that’s ok! So the answers that I
got wrong on the test were totally understand able. Some of them were just
basic picking the wrong one because I was thinking about something else, things
like that. Over all I got a 79 which is like REALLY close to a 80, and that’s a
B so.. I pretty much got a B. Close to the end of review was when you left the
room, but I come from a HORRIABLE class that always got in trouble ( Baltimore
city schools for you) so I wasn’t really a surprise. Then we watched the movie,
which made me sad (thank you very much) and took notes that I hope will one day
be useful!
Thank you for your feedback. I think we actually have a good class that just gets a little squirrely once in a while. You guys are actually pretty awesome.