Wednesday, September 12, 2012

September 12th BLOG


            Today in Human Geo. we talked about.. like million different things! im not really sure what we were talking about  half the  time because I zoned out a few times ( not my fault it was the morning) but for the most part we were going over the homework and talking about the questions that we had to answer. I did mine but, I didn’t realize that we had to pick a few and state why they were important.. I Believe for most the class we branched off to different subjects like when we were talking about why Mexico has the most airports ( because of tourist  ) we shared about what different countries we had been to before, then that branched off into more subjects. I enjoy the branching off to different things, because we learn a lot of new things just by not staying on track, but most of them are good things. such as learning that it took 10-12 day just to get to Europe and now it just takes about 7-9 hours.

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