Sunday, September 30, 2012

September 29 2012 BLOG

In human Geo on Friday we watched more of “God grew tired of us”. In this session the boys started start school to hopefully find a better job. Panther I believe, got a letter from his family saying that they were alive but they were starving and suffering from diseases. I thought that it was a little harsh when his family sent him the letter because they didn't really say they were happy for him. I understand that it was still unbelievable that they are alive and somewhat safe, but no one said it’s wonderful that you are out of this horrible place, They just said make sure to send money and this is how horrible we are doing. Of course panther pitted them so he dropped out of school so he could make the most money he can to send to his family back at home.  

Thursday, September 27, 2012

September 27 BLOG

Today in human Geo. we watched more of “god grew tired of us”.  We started at the part when some of the boys were leaving for America, A lot of the boys that weren’t going were disappointed, which I can totally get because they don’t get to start their lives over. When we think of the boys not knowing what a donut is, its really sad if you think about it. We think of our world as a technology filled world, and in reality a fourth of the world doesn’t have electricity and doesn’t know what butter is.  So we can go ahead and laugh when they don’t know what potato chips are, or how a lamp works but over all its pretty messed up. But I felt like there should be more of the racism, because I sure that they were judged. I mean there in America, more than a few people had to give them a weird look.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

September 26, 2012 BLOG

Today in human Geo. we went over the quiz and watched more of the movie. Today we also had a little shadow! ( I want one too !) so of course you most likely scared her a little, but that’s ok! So the answers that I got wrong on the test were totally understand able. Some of them were just basic picking the wrong one because I was thinking about something else, things like that. Over all I got a 79 which is like REALLY close to a 80, and that’s a B so.. I pretty much got a B. Close to the end of review was when you left the room, but I come from a HORRIABLE class that always got in trouble ( Baltimore city schools for you) so I wasn’t really a surprise. Then we watched the movie, which made me sad (thank you very much) and took notes that I hope will one day be useful!

Monday, September 24, 2012

September 24th 2012 BLOG

Today in human geo we took the big quiz thing! To be totally honest.. I didn’t study ( sorry L ) it completely slipped my mind this weekend.  Though I feel like I did ok on the quiz because a lot of it was basic knowledge, thought I did see some of the memorization for things like what does this country rate in the world sale of bla bla bla.. and stuff like that. AND not to using my injury to an advantage, But since I was pelted in the head with a soccer ball I was a bit frazzled, and I had a bad headache. Also this  morning I had checked my grades in power school and I got a lot of points off for not blogging, but I couldn’t blog because my blog wasn’t up till Thursday, I think. Though I understand that I could have wrote one for Thursday and Friday.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

September 12th BLOG


            Today in Human Geo. we talked about.. like million different things! im not really sure what we were talking about  half the  time because I zoned out a few times ( not my fault it was the morning) but for the most part we were going over the homework and talking about the questions that we had to answer. I did mine but, I didn’t realize that we had to pick a few and state why they were important.. I Believe for most the class we branched off to different subjects like when we were talking about why Mexico has the most airports ( because of tourist  ) we shared about what different countries we had been to before, then that branched off into more subjects. I enjoy the branching off to different things, because we learn a lot of new things just by not staying on track, but most of them are good things. such as learning that it took 10-12 day just to get to Europe and now it just takes about 7-9 hours.

Monday, September 10, 2012

September 10th BLOG & (answers)

1.What is the population of the United States?



2.What are the five largest countries in the world, by population?

 China, India, United States, Indonesia, Brazil


3.What is the population of Pakistan?



4.What kind of government does the United States have?

Constitution-based federal republic


5.What is the unemployment rate in Zimbabwe



6.What is the largest country in the world by area?



7.What country has the third greatest number of airports?



8.What country has the greatest number of exports?



9.What country exports more oil than any other?

Saudi Arabia


10.What country imports more oil than any other?

United States


11.What country consumes more oil than any other?

United States


12.Can women serve in combat roles in China’s military?



13.What is GDP?

Gross domestic product


14.What country has the highest GDP per capital in the world, and how much is it?

Liechtenstein: 141,100


15.Is the US in the top ten for GDP per capita?


16.Most of the countries with the highest birth rates can be found in what continent?



17. 11 of the top 12 countries with the highest number of deaths from HIV/AIDS can be

found in which continent?



18.What other country is in the top ten?



19.Where does the US rank in HIV/AIDS deaths?

            18th place

20.Is the US #1 in number of cellular phones?

            3rd place

21.What percentage of the US is Roman Catholic?


22.What percentage of Mexico is Roman Catholic?


23.What is Net Migration Rate?

Numbers of people who are leaving the country


24.Does the US have the highest Net Migration Rate in the world


25.What is the current population of the entire planet?


Thursday, September 6, 2012

September 6th BLOG

Today in human Geo. we went over how to talk notes about notes. at first I was like; your kidding right? but after a while I didn’t care. It was really simple to make, I mean it was just taking notes, I took a lot of notes in my last school so I was on top of things. Like you don’t have to have complete sentences, make sure you keep up with the teacher, don’t worry about spelling and ask questions. After all the note taking about notes we were tested on taking notes by looking at a paper about Illinois.  About how many people live there, where they live, what the states, other names for the state, like and that sort of thing. Also we learned that Mr. Schick is kinda like Jesus, in a way..  After discussing that, we put our notes we took about Illinois, and made blog if we were talking about Illinois, mine was pretty simple.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Human Geo. Day 6

Today in human Geo, we looked at how to add links to our blogs. Click design or dashboard whatever you have on your blog, then layout and add the link gadget. Then simply add the links that you want on it, I thought it was pretty easy to remember. also I think it’s was cool how you have a strange love for Wikipedia.. but I guess that’s ok..  I mean I’m in love with Facebook.. same thing right? I got all my work done so there wasn’t really any problems or questions about anything, actually I really enjoyed writing the story about if Socrates and Elbert Hubert were to meet, though I wish I put more detail into the story.  Over all, I liked the essays. I felt like that was a good enough work for high school-ers, it was a bit of a shock because at my old school I didn’t get homework but I just need to get back in to the swing of things.

Monday, September 3, 2012

If Elbert Hubbard and Socrates time-traveled to 2012

If the two were to meet, it would most likely meet up in a park. Considering that buildings are way to advance for them to comprehend. The introductions would be little awkward thanks to Socrates strange facial features, but after they find things in common it’s not as bad. After about 20 minutes Elbert brings up the mobiles cutting each other off and people yelling at each other from there mobile windows and brings up the message to Garcia, saying that he bets none of these people would go out of there way for anything. Socrates nods as he watches people on benches talk into shiny rocks, Elbert realizes he’s not paying attention, he gets up and abruptly says “ I bet if I ask anyone in this area if they could send a message for me they wouldn’t”.  Socrates (not really hearing Elbert, agrees). So He walks up middle aged women and asks her if she would send a message for him, she gives him a strange look and walks away. Elbert turns to Socrates and starts back to his seat. They agree and Socrates starts to wonder if people still thought that gods were the purpose of everything too. So he started off towards a group of people standing by a lamppost, he asked if they believed that the gods controlled the sun and the weather. The group didn’t say anything just watched him until they said no and walked away, Socrates headed back to his seat. Elbert started talking about how people haven’t changed and he’s ready to go back, but Socrates disagreed and said he’s going to stay a little longer.


Socrates easily demonstrated arĂȘte because he thought and spoke outside of what he was told. By not sticking to religion and beliefs he changed history, now someone else might have figured it out later in time but that still would have changed things in the future. Also Socrates resembles having strength and being brave, for truly speaking his own thoughts about the town of Athens. I loved that he didn’t care if he was put to death, he did what was on his mind and wasn’t band wagoner. Though excellences is usually graded by other people, it took until hundredths of year later when intelligences reached a different level to understand. Meaning that Socrates set a new standard of excellence, which people could not get to in till father down the scale of evolution. But we can’t just call all the other towns people of Athens utterly stupid, they just went along with what they were told. Socrates was just a man born into the wrong time period.

Excellence at John Carroll



-I will pay attention in class, Meaning that the computer will not serve as something to use when I am really bored. I won’t talk to my neighbor or just simply dose off during class.

-Participate, school is an interactive thing. If you don’t speak up or ask questions you’re not helping yourself, the only stupid question is a question not asked.

-Work comes before friends, if your friends were really your friends they would know that you need to get your work done before going to the movies or having a sleepover. Also you should find the right people, like the kind  that encourage you to do your work and not encourage things like skipping class or blowing homework to do something else.

- Staying on top of work, I will not leave all my work to do on the last day  before it is due. Try to span thing out so I’m not overwhelmed, Make sure that I study hard before a test or really any time so I know I understand the work.

-Keeping organized, losing my papers is something I tend to do but I need to my put work together  in a binder or in a folder as soon as I get it so it’s not going to get lost. With text books I need to cover them and keep them safe, not leaving them in the cafeteria or leaving them with people I can’t really trust.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Human Geo. day 4

Yesterday in class we talked about the definitions for the words that we were given on Thursday. We talked about the word and what they meant and we started talking about Socrates, his theory and the death of Socrates. I think also think that whole town is very stupid, because how could the sun be a person ridding a crossed the sky?? I can totally get that people lived there whole lives believing that though, like when I was little I believed in Santa but till told over wise I believed that. So I get both point of views, but of course people are going to make them look intelligent. Again in class it was a little focus with the lights out, but I guess that kid behind kept me awake by repeatedly kicking my chair. But I still listened, and I have also been wondering what is in the drink that Socrates had to drink, is it a snake venom, poisons flower or a mixture of different things?