Saturday, October 13, 2012

October 13 2012 Religion answers

The word Christian came from the insult that people were called when they followed Christ. The word originated in Israel where the teaching of Jesus Christ began. It all started about AD 41. Christianity is considered a monotheistic religion because it only revolves around one god. Christianity’s holy book is called the bible, consisting of stories of god. There are about 2.18 billion Christians worldwide. The Figures of Christianity would be Jesus ( duh ), Marl, Luke, John, Matthew and others such as Noah and Abraham from other stories in the bible. Christianity is most popular in the United states.

Islam was founded by Prophet Muhammad in Mecca, about 622 CE. Islam is a monotheistic religion, believing in one god or in Arabic “Allah”. Islam’s holy book is called “ Qur’an” or in English Koran. There are about 1,600 Million Muslims in the world now. Allah, Prophet Muhammad is the central figure of Islam. The greatest population of Muslims are in Indonesia, Pakistan, and in Arab countries.

Buddhism was a teaching of Gautama in Northern India around 563-483 B.C. Buddhism is neither monotheism or polytheism, because this religion focuses on practical ways of living life to become in a blissful state in mind. Buddhism is not biased on one book, it is biased on Dhamma as told by Buddha. Dhamma consists of three parts: Sutra Pitaka, Vinaya Pitaka, and Abhidhamma pitaka. The amount of followers Buddhism has is about 230-500 Million ( 4th biggest religion in the world). Prince Gautama Buddha is the figure of this religion. This religion is most practiced in Northern India.

Hinduism does not have historical figure, according to tradition and sacred scriptures, it was revealed to a spiritual men (rishis). Hinduism was heard to be started around 1700-1100 BCE. The Vedas is the holy book of Hinduism. Hinduism is deep monotheistic religion, supreme being of god, or Brahman. There are about 860 million to 1.4 billion followers, about 13.78 percent of the world is Hindus. There is no religious leader of Hinduism. The source is originally from India.

In the land of Canaan, Present day Israel around 1948 BCE. Judaism is a monotheistic, Jews believe that there is only one god who created the world and still runs it. The Jewish holy book is called the “Tanakh” containing the Torah and the prophetic books. There are out 12-14 Million Jews today. Though the numbers have been shrinking because many hews assimilate or don’t know that they are Jewish. The central figures are Abraham, Moses, Isaac, Jacob, and other patriarchs. The largest populations of Jews is in Israel.

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