Wednesday, October 10, 2012

October 10, 2012 BLOG

Today in Human Geo. we presented or slide shows about either Native American ( me ), Viking and Columbus.  So the Native American group went first and we just went over the questions that you gave us, they were really easy considering we didn't have to deny anything. In that case I mean the Native Americans didn’t ravish their land, and only killing things necessary for survival. Then were the Vikings, which I didn’t really learn anything from because they were simple things that I've picked up through the years, like the boats they came from and general things like so. Then Columbus, now ever since last year when I learned the truth about Columbus I have had a deep hatred for him. Now usually I get over things, but for some reason this really really bothered me, so whenever I have the chance to bash him I do. Also I had already knew everything to know about him since it was just last year that I was learning about him. I still took down a reasonable amount of notes.

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