Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The world's leaders ANSWERS

National action party
Felipe Cálderon

Communist party of china

Indian national congress
Shri Pranab Mukkerjee

Burhanuddin rabbain
Hamid Karzai

Islamic republic of Iran
Mahmoud Ahmadinelad

Shimon Peres

Social deocratic party of germany
Joachim Gauck

United kingdom
Conservative party
Prime minister David Cameron

French republic
Nicolas Sarkozy

Federative republic of Brazil
Dilma Vana Rousseff

United social party of venezuelan
Hugo Chávenz

Saudi Arabia
Freedom and justice party
Mohamed Morsi

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

October 24 2012 BLOG

Today I did not go to school because of the bomb threat, But i figured I'd write thing blog because . I'm really bored and im not sure if i would still have to write one. I didnt read that the test has been moved to friday, but i guess i still would have taken it late. personally i would have gone to school but i parents said no ( like really i could say i dont want to go to school any other day and they would make me go to school) But the main reason i wanted to go was i missing my spirit week.. and i was looking forward to it. But this test im going to make sure i study because i haven't like truly studied for any other tests so far in Human geo..

Friday, October 19, 2012

October 19 2012 TEST QUESTIONS

1) How many followers does Islam have? -  1.57 Billion people in the world
2) What date did Columbus arrive in America? - 1492
3) When was Christianity first introduced ? 30-36 AD
4)  Who do the Buddha Worship? no one, they believe that you should juts find total happiness.
5) How did the Vikings act when they first came to America ? - they didn't find anything worth stealing, so they left.


Thursday, October 18, 2012

October 18 2012

Today in Human Geo. we went over the notes that we took about the different religions, but if i ever get to use my blog during the test I can just go to that blog... so it would be a waste of time and button pushing to write it down AGAIN. So to start off today's class we started talking about Stinkbugs, And how Mr. Schick had like millions of them in his house, which makes me question how off ten he cleans his and things of that nature.. I actually have never see a stink bug in my house, ( only win for Baltimore city!) So I can’t really relate to what you guys were talking about.. Then we started the note and talked for a long long time about Judaism, Buddhism and Hinduism. I can’t remember if we talked about nothing of importance after that or not though.. Then I served Ricky justice for asking you if your tie came in man colors ( sorry about that.. but you made fun of Eleanor too, so you had it coming )

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October 15 2012 BLOG

Today in Human geo. took down more notes, About how some countries spilt up because they have such strong religious views. I don’t remember what country that we used as example, but point is that sometimes people are shunned for not believing in one thing. It could be religion, or it could be what ethnicity you are. I should probably start bring my notebook home, so I can actually start putting useful stuff in this blog, otherwise it is just me blabbing about how I was feeling that day or something like that. At one point we were talking about something about someone who traveled and hated on a individual religion( I don’t remember who it was or what religion it was) So I think it was god who struck him with blindness, so that he would stop hating on that individual religion. I want really pay attention so I Only heard bits and pieces. 
P.S. This is late because the internet at my house is currently not working. :( 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

October 13 2012 Religion answers

The word Christian came from the insult that people were called when they followed Christ. The word originated in Israel where the teaching of Jesus Christ began. It all started about AD 41. Christianity is considered a monotheistic religion because it only revolves around one god. Christianity’s holy book is called the bible, consisting of stories of god. There are about 2.18 billion Christians worldwide. The Figures of Christianity would be Jesus ( duh ), Marl, Luke, John, Matthew and others such as Noah and Abraham from other stories in the bible. Christianity is most popular in the United states.

Islam was founded by Prophet Muhammad in Mecca, about 622 CE. Islam is a monotheistic religion, believing in one god or in Arabic “Allah”. Islam’s holy book is called “ Qur’an” or in English Koran. There are about 1,600 Million Muslims in the world now. Allah, Prophet Muhammad is the central figure of Islam. The greatest population of Muslims are in Indonesia, Pakistan, and in Arab countries.

Buddhism was a teaching of Gautama in Northern India around 563-483 B.C. Buddhism is neither monotheism or polytheism, because this religion focuses on practical ways of living life to become in a blissful state in mind. Buddhism is not biased on one book, it is biased on Dhamma as told by Buddha. Dhamma consists of three parts: Sutra Pitaka, Vinaya Pitaka, and Abhidhamma pitaka. The amount of followers Buddhism has is about 230-500 Million ( 4th biggest religion in the world). Prince Gautama Buddha is the figure of this religion. This religion is most practiced in Northern India.

Hinduism does not have historical figure, according to tradition and sacred scriptures, it was revealed to a spiritual men (rishis). Hinduism was heard to be started around 1700-1100 BCE. The Vedas is the holy book of Hinduism. Hinduism is deep monotheistic religion, supreme being of god, or Brahman. There are about 860 million to 1.4 billion followers, about 13.78 percent of the world is Hindus. There is no religious leader of Hinduism. The source is originally from India.

In the land of Canaan, Present day Israel around 1948 BCE. Judaism is a monotheistic, Jews believe that there is only one god who created the world and still runs it. The Jewish holy book is called the “Tanakh” containing the Torah and the prophetic books. There are out 12-14 Million Jews today. Though the numbers have been shrinking because many hews assimilate or don’t know that they are Jewish. The central figures are Abraham, Moses, Isaac, Jacob, and other patriarchs. The largest populations of Jews is in Israel.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

October 11, 2012 BLOG

Today in Human geo. we really do that much. We started with finished up the Columbus group’s slide show, again there wasn’t a whole lot to learn in my point view. When that was finished up we looked at a slide show about the world’s culture, consisting of how it works. Such as people who speak the same language therefor have the same culture. Or the way that things are celebrated, or taught. After a while of taking notes about culture, we started talking about random things that kinda related to what we’re talking about. Like how us Americans get very frustrated when there is a lot of (mostly Spanish ) things are not in English. So that was how our “sorta off topic, but not really “conversation went, Then it lead to prank calling and varies things of that nature. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

October 10, 2012 BLOG

Today in Human Geo. we presented or slide shows about either Native American ( me ), Viking and Columbus.  So the Native American group went first and we just went over the questions that you gave us, they were really easy considering we didn't have to deny anything. In that case I mean the Native Americans didn’t ravish their land, and only killing things necessary for survival. Then were the Vikings, which I didn’t really learn anything from because they were simple things that I've picked up through the years, like the boats they came from and general things like so. Then Columbus, now ever since last year when I learned the truth about Columbus I have had a deep hatred for him. Now usually I get over things, but for some reason this really really bothered me, so whenever I have the chance to bash him I do. Also I had already knew everything to know about him since it was just last year that I was learning about him. I still took down a reasonable amount of notes.

Monday, October 8, 2012

October 8th, 2012 BLOG

Today in Human geo, we went over the test. which i just barely passing :(... it was really simple things that i keep slipping up on, like i knew that they were from Sudan but i just forgot to answer it ! and i spelled restaurant wrong and i didn't write what kind of factory he worked at, and stupid stuff like that.  Before that we welcomed Mike into our class! he's in like, in all my classes!! He is too big for our desks so me and Wilfred had to move back two seats so he could move his feet. I hate sitting in the back.. its so lonely, We later split in groups so that we can do a project on Columbus, whom i truly hate ..  for so many many reasons !  so I was in a group with the native Americans,  later i will work on the Google documents and answer a bunch of questions, I have to answer question 4 ! 

Friday, October 5, 2012

October 5, 2012 BLOG

        Today in Human geo, we took the test on " god grew tired of us". Personally i didn't know that there was a test today, I have a problem with figuring out what day it is, and what tests are on what day. So I think I did ok on it, but I always say that when I'm asked how i think of done, I say ok.. I guess. Then you forced the poor little shadow to read the test, and while she read the paper the answers were feed in. After all the answers were given.. I'm really sad :( I was so close to getting them right, like I said Christians instead of catholic. I mixed a lot up like that, so I’ll be happy if I get a passing grade. After the explaining the answers, Mr. Schick asked what our shadow did and something cool about her. She has a twin brother and plays the piano. And to finish off with class we talk about animals killing other animals.    

Thursday, October 4, 2012

October 4, 2012 BLOG

Today in human geo. we talked about Mr. Schick’s  old school and how he could have graduated at 16 but he  had to have one more credit. So he had to go to this crappy overcrowded and most of the kids smoked, Then for the most of the class we just talked about smoking is bad and things of the nature. We got really side tracked, like always (not a bad thing). After we finished talking about nothing we were reviewing the movie and explained our ideas to help Sudan. But before we started talking about it, Mr. Schick showed us the e-mail that John Dau sent us, and how his does his touring.. if that’s the right word.  6,000-10,000 dollars just to get him to come and then we would have to pay for expensive like hotel and the plane.  

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October 3rd 2012 BLOG

Today in Human Geo. we were brain storming what we could do to help out the refugees in Sudan. Before we started brain storming you were explaning what the last class did to the web page. The deleting things off the page and writing “ Mason eats dead puppies”, I asked Mason in the next class how that came up and he said that he did really know.. at all. So after that we broke into groups and started talking about ideas, I was in a group with Alice and we did ours on this Toms (the shoes company) give on for one project. I don’t remember what the second idea was.. Then there wasn’t a lot of work to be done just in this class, just the sentences that describes what we were thinking. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

October 1, 2012 BLOG

Today in human Geo. we completed watching " God grew tired of us". In the end there were a lot of good things that came out and not so good things. Panther finished school and left America to marry his girlfriend, and has put effort into building a school and a hospital in the refugee camps. He also found his mother and sister and reunited with them. John dau flew his family in and they are still living in new York. He and his family have been raising awareness about the refugee camps and the war in Sudan. Daniel never contacted his family; they are possibly living in a refugee camp or dead. He has been in community colleges and working in the factory until he finishes school. With the idea of somehow we can help make a difference, there are many ways that we could work to help the refugee camps.  I think that one of the first steps would be contacting most likely John or panther just because they were a big help in raising awareness. My best bet would be John though, because he has put the most action into the project. Writing a notice-ful amount letters from our freshman class telling him that we would like to help make a difference too. Even if he never answered our letters ( which would be sad) we could start a march to raise awareness.