Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Human geo day 2/ Greek definitions

Today in Human Geo. Was just people who hadn’t set up there blog were shown how to do it, I personal think that its kind ridicules that some people still didn’t have there’s up. I mean its been like 7 days since we were first told to make a g-mail and write a blog, we’re in high school now we need to take these things seriously. I had problems with the site but I wasn’t just going to not do It, I was on the site for about 2 hours figuring things out.




Arête: Excellence in any kind.

Polis: Greek city/state, basically a community.

Socrates: Greek Athenian philosopher

The death of Socrates: Socrates was condemned

to death by drinking hemlock, for denying the gods

and corrupting youth and impiety.

The Socrates method: Teaching by guided


The date 508 BC: Klisthenis came to power

he placed the foundations of Athenian democracy

Agora: A place of congregation, market place

What the ancient Greek meant when they called you an idiot:

You aren’t really sociable and not  professional.



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