Sunday, August 26, 2012

First impressitions

The morning started out with a 45 minute ride to John Carroll that was filled with anxiety, new school new people. When I first walked in the doors I was ready for school to start. During breakfast I realized that one of my friends that use to live down the street from me was there. I also saw a couple girls from my old camp. After breakfast we went to the auditorium for a speech about how things work at John Carroll and who John Carroll was. We then headed off to advisory and to work out our lockers. Learning to use a locker with a combination lock was a little stressful. We had snack after that but my stomach was still spinning from all the new things and so I was not very hungry. Everyone broke up into a group to take photos and learn things about the school schedule. When lunch time came I still wasn’t over my jitters so I still didn’t eat much of anything. After lunch we started to go to all our classes.  The experience of meeting all the different students and teachers was definitely interesting.

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