Thursday, August 30, 2012

Human Geo day 3

Today in Human Geo we read and took notes on ‘A message to Garcia”. I personally really enjoyed the story because it’s so true, People don’t do their work unless their lives depends on it. Take the easy way out, I can omit to doing that.. but not like.. all the time. But the point that I’m getting to is most people will not got out of their way to do something for someone else. I think that we got a good amount of work done in this class period, I guess just taking notes is probably the most work we have got done this week. It wasn’t all boring either, thanks to the donuts we had some comedy put into class. Also we kidded around and had some laughs but we stayed on topic and did get carried away, sorta. The only thing that was not so great about today was that some of the seats were moved around and the kid that now sits next to me, always has a smart comment to say.. so that gets annoying some times.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Human geo day 2/ Greek definitions

Today in Human Geo. Was just people who hadn’t set up there blog were shown how to do it, I personal think that its kind ridicules that some people still didn’t have there’s up. I mean its been like 7 days since we were first told to make a g-mail and write a blog, we’re in high school now we need to take these things seriously. I had problems with the site but I wasn’t just going to not do It, I was on the site for about 2 hours figuring things out.




ArĂȘte: Excellence in any kind.

Polis: Greek city/state, basically a community.

Socrates: Greek Athenian philosopher

The death of Socrates: Socrates was condemned

to death by drinking hemlock, for denying the gods

and corrupting youth and impiety.

The Socrates method: Teaching by guided


The date 508 BC: Klisthenis came to power

he placed the foundations of Athenian democracy

Agora: A place of congregation, market place

What the ancient Greek meant when they called you an idiot:

You aren’t really sociable and not  professional.



Monday, August 27, 2012

Human Geo day 1

Today we didn’t really do that much, we mostly went over the rules and how we must act to succeed. It was a little hard to follow because the lights were out due to using the projector, so I was slightly falling asleep. Also it was about lunch time so I was starving, but other than those distractions it was all understandable. We must follow the honor code, no plagiarism, if you don’t your homework on time points will be deducted each day it is late, basic things.  Also it really helped that the class before me was telling me almost the exact same thing, so it’s definitely sticking in my brain for a while. The end of the class was spent by people that hadn’t don’t there blogs figuring out how to use them. I had the same problem the night before, snaking all around the blog site to try and find out how to send it.                                            (I officially hate Google plus )  

Sunday, August 26, 2012

First impressitions

The morning started out with a 45 minute ride to John Carroll that was filled with anxiety, new school new people. When I first walked in the doors I was ready for school to start. During breakfast I realized that one of my friends that use to live down the street from me was there. I also saw a couple girls from my old camp. After breakfast we went to the auditorium for a speech about how things work at John Carroll and who John Carroll was. We then headed off to advisory and to work out our lockers. Learning to use a locker with a combination lock was a little stressful. We had snack after that but my stomach was still spinning from all the new things and so I was not very hungry. Everyone broke up into a group to take photos and learn things about the school schedule. When lunch time came I still wasn’t over my jitters so I still didn’t eat much of anything. After lunch we started to go to all our classes.  The experience of meeting all the different students and teachers was definitely interesting.