Thursday, November 15, 2012

November 14th 2012, Countries

United Kingdom
On May 1 1707 England and Scotland created a new kingdom of Great Britain.
They played a huge part in development of parliamentary democracy, and
advanced in literature and science.  The British Empire stretched over ¼
of the earth’s surface in the 19th century.  The UK use to be part of England
and Scotland.

They achieved there independence in the 19th century.
They were conquered and colonized by Spain in the early 16th century. The presidential
elections just happened in July. Mexico has for of the worst dug problem and they
increase every year.  

Brazil gained its independence in 1822, but they maintained a monarchical system of
 government   until the abolition of slavery in 1888. They were under Portuguese ruler for
more than three centuries. Today it is South America’s leading economic power and regional leader.

Iran became part of an Islamic republic in 1979 after monarchy was overthrown.
 Before they became part of Islamic republic they were know a Persia, this was until 1935.
 Iran has been designated a state sponsor of terrorism for its activity in Lebanon and
 elsewhere in the world.

Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia was founded in 1932 ABD AL-AZZIZ Abd al-Rahman AI SAUD. He campaigned
for 30 years to unify most of the Arabian Peninsula .  This is the birth place to Islam’s most
holiest shrines, Mecca and Medina. This country leads in the production in oil and natural gas and holds 20%of the world proven oil reserves.

India declared independence on August 15th 1947                                              
The country thrived off of their own land for hundreds of years and have increased in supporting
education, though there was many wars between India and Pakistan.

Afghanistan has had independence since 1919.
Afghanistan is a poor country that revolves around farming and livestock, though it is rich in nature materials such as coal, copper, romite, talc, barites, sulfur, lead, zinc, iron ore, salt, and precious and semiprecious stones but the land is rugged and hard to pass through making the export hard to make.

France gained independence 1789
France is one of the biggest exporters in the world, France has also been a huge part of other countries surrounding it, Helping them with war against other countries and getting there people together.

Venezuela gained independence in 1810 they were also the first Spanish American colony to declare it’s independence.
They have long lived off the beaches, livestock, gold mines, and grassy plains for hundreds of years. There was much slavery, mainly used for cocoa farming and gold mining.

Germany declared independence in 1871,
It is mainly known for the wars they have caused , For the large jew extermination and a hold a key part in that war against the US.

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